Previous Auctions


A 4-bedroom split-level style house w/ attached garage & pole style building on 12.7 acre tract.
480 Swamp Bridge Rd. Denver Pa.
Selling Price: $910,000.00


A 4-bedroom raised Rancher w/ 2-bathrooms and a detached 30’x 45′ garage on .86-acre lot.
468 Meetinghouse Rd. Gap Pa.
Selling Price: $585,000.00


A 2.2-acre vacant lot w/ 66′ of road frontage.
1570 Briertown Rd. East Earl, Pa.
Selling Price: $210,000.00


A 1,614 sq. ft. Townhouse w/ 3 bedrooms & 1-car garage. New in 2008, has HOA fees.
32 Bradford Dr. Leola Pa.
Selling Price: $280,000.00


A house full of furniture, antiques, household items, guns, and garage items. The 1998 Dodge van sold for $6,600.00
921 N. State St. Ephrata Pa.
Selling Price: N/A


385 cataloged lots of fine gold coins and rare silver coins. Every coin is pictured and graded.
527 Gristmill Rd. Ephrata Pa.
Selling Price: N/A


A 1,325 sq. ft. Multi-Level style house and 1.5-car garage on .25 acre lot.
225 Pine Lane New Holland Pa.
Selling Price: $275,000.00


A 55.6-acre farm with gentle slope to the south, older brick farmhouse and bank barn. This property is divided by Penn Grant Road. This farm is under “Preserved Farmland Restrictions” and sold for $53,327 per acre.
819 & 821 Penn Grant Rd. Lancaster Pa.
Selling Price: $2.965-Million


An older 2-story frame-built house w/ 4 bedrooms & 1 bathroom on .19-acre lot…… in need of repair.
148 W. Main St. Leola Pa.
Selling Price: $176,000.00


A 1,233 sq. ft. 3-bedroom Rancher w/ 1-car garage on .58-acre lot.
22 Faust Ln. Denver Pa.
Selling Price: $232,000.00

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