

John & Mike first met in 1999 when both were volunteering at local benefit auctions.  They enjoyed working together and it didn’t take long before a friendship was born.  People complimented them on how well they worked together. Over the next few years, they started asking the other to assist auctioneering when the opportunities allowed.

The summer of 2005 they began discussions around what a partnership would look like.  They both decided this would take their customer service to the next level.  The paperwork was filed with the state and February 2006 Martin & Rutt Auctioneers conducted their first auction.

Auction goers quickly realized the talent these two local auctioneers had and the demand grew rapidly for their services.  They have been blessed with trusting sellers and qualified buyers for the variety of items they have sold over the last 18+ years. After 1,200+ auctions, John & Mike realize success is measured by the satisfied buyer and sellers they have had the privilege of serving.  They are currently recognized as leaders in the auction service industry by many fellow auctioneers within southeastern Pennsylvania.  Contact John or Mike to get your auction started toward success.

Team Members

John Rutt

John J. Rutt II

Owner, Auctioneer, Realtor

Michael J. Martin

Michael J. Martin

Owner, Auctioneer, Realtor

Cameron Rutt

Cameron Rutt

Auctioneer, Auction Coordinator, IT Tech

Lane Rutt

Lane Rutt

Auctioneer, Auction Day Assistant

Cheryl Martin

Cheryl Martin

Office Manager

Andrea Rutt

Andrea Rutt

Office Staff, Auction Clerk

Gwen Snader

Gwen Snader

Office Staff, Auction Clerk

Juanita Huber

Juanita Huber

Office Staff, Auction Clerk

Rosetta Nissley

Rosetta Nissley

Office Staff, Auction Clerk

Deb Zimmerman

Deb Zimmerman

Auction Day Coordinator

Zach Batson

Zach Batson

Auction Day Staff

Dexter Zimmerman

Dexter Zimmerman

Auction Day Staff

Fred Martin

Fred Martin

Auction Day Staff